Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Good Hair Day

You'll remember the other day that Gran came over to show me how to fix Oda Mae's hair. I'm sure some of you have been wondering how that's been going.

The next morning we got up, ate breakfast, played a little and while Oda Momma was in the shower, we decided to give it a go with the hair. We gathered all the necessary supplies...

Yes, I spilled the water. That's what the towel was for. Then we worked, and worked...Oda Mae said Ouch!!! a few times. I had to get my trowel out with some mortar mix, but it finally came together...

Then Oda Momma got out of the shower and told us what a good job we did and that now we needed to get Oda Mae's clothes on.

I new then that I still had much to learn. Yep, I should have put Oda Mae's clothes on first...

Ya' live and learn don't ya...

But, we fixed it and put on some cool glasses and went out later for some fun.

It's all good!

Dominus Vobiscum,


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