Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Chair, The Museum

Tomorrow night, I'll be relaxing in style...

Thank you Oda Mae and Oda Momma!!!!!!

Today we were able to attend the Modern Art Museum as well as the Kimbal Art Museum. We got in for free and and had a pretty good time. They were fairly crowded, but that was to be expected. Afterwords we went out to the Log Cabin Village where Oda Mae had a blast. We watched as pioneers cooked, sewed and told stories about life in the 1800's.

Tomorrow is lunch with Mom. MMmmmmmm, lunch.



Friday, September 26, 2008

One Last Hurrah

Ah, the end of summer, the beginning of fall. The leaves begin to change colors and fall activities seem to be never ending. Yesterday Oda Mae and I decided to have one more go at playing in the water as there is a cold front supposed to come in by the end of next week. I think the high on Thursday is only supposed to be 84. :)

Tomorrow is the "Day in the District", sponsored by the Fort Worth Arts District. All of the museums are FREE! from 10 - 5. We'll see how many we can make. Also, at 2 is the Family Fun Saturday at the central library. They're supposed to have some kind of dancers there. I'm sure Oda Mae will love that.

Oda Mae and Oda Momma are getting me a "chair" for my birthday (which was yesterday, BTW). I get to pick it out myself. We went tonight to look for the perfect recliner. Didn't find it yet. I may have to force Oda Mae to come with me tomorrow afternoon to keep looking. Any suggestions for "the best" recliner out there? Wish me luck!



Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Sky is Falling!

At least it may be that way in a couple of months. THIS article gave me a little chuckle this morning.

A couple of weeks ago scientists from all over the world were waiting to see the results of the initial tests from the largest particle collider in the world. You may have heard about the 17 mile long Large Hadron Collider in CERN. They are trying to smash super small particles of atoms together to "create a miniature Big Bang". Apparently, they want to know what happened split seconds after the universe was created. They have been able to send particles around the tube in both directions, but have yet to try and smash them together.

Today I read this article stating that they have had a slight glitch. It'll take a couple of months to get it up and going again.

Here's the funny part...and I quote, "The project has had to work hard to dismiss suggestions by some critics that the experiment could create tiny black holes of intense gravity that could suck in the whole planet."

They had a small leak that will pose "no risk to people from the malfunction."

All I can say is, Oops!

What's going to happen in 2-3 months when they get this thing going again? If you see the earth imploding on itself around Thanksgiving, give me a call wont you? I want to watch....



Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Goals

Okay, I guess it's time to come out with it. What have I been doing the last month or so? Well, after some serious consideration, I've decided to go back to school (again) to obtain another degree. (Trust me when I tell you I had to really think about this one. I have two degrees already)

A while back I had a pretty rough audition for a position that I really wanted. Worked my butt off. Didn't get it. Was left with a pretty bad taste in my mouth (so-to-speak) because of the whole music business. I decided to get out and look for other opportunities. I tried photography, something I really enjoy. Thought about genealogy, something I'm very interested in. After a lot of practice and thought about careers I came up with this scenario... "Same song, different verse." It's still in the arts. Still freelance. Still self-employed. Still subjective to what other people think.

I decided to go a different route....

Back in the days when I was deciding what to do with my life I really enjoyed two things: Music and Science

I chose to go with what I knew I enjoyed and truly loved doing and what I knew I was already good at. I don't regret this decision one single bit! But, it's time now to try something else. Life it too short to limit yourself. I would like to see what life is like on the non-subjective side of things; "Right vs. Wrong" as opposed to "Well that's one way you can do it, but here's what I like...."

I loved Biology back in high school and was in the honors program. My HS counselor told me that I couldn't continue in the honors program after that due to my math grades (B's). I was pretty unsure of my "smartness" after that. FRACKING LOSER!

To make a long story not so long....I've decided to try getting into nursing school. I have just a few prerequisites (mostly science classes) before I can apply. In a couple of years I can get a job anywhere in the country at a starting salary that I have only dreamed about in the music business.

That being said...time to go study "The Tissue Level of Organization"


Monday, September 15, 2008

My Grade

Hello All,

I know it's been a while, but I just wanted everyone to know that I just received a 96/100 on my first exam in Anatomy and Physiology I.

I know that I should be pretty happy with this score, but I'll just put it out there..... I WAS ROBBED! If this exam had been essay or fill in the blank, I would have gotten all of my points. The the multiple choice, guess the right answer questions were worded poorly. I think I'm going to demand a recount. There was probably some kind of "chad" loose in the grading machine. I'll let you know how things turn out.

Dominus Vobiscum,

-Oda Daddy