Friday, November 9, 2007

So much for that...

Well, so much for NaBloPoMo for me. I've already missed like 3 posts and it's not even the 10th of the month yet. I'll keep trying to post more often though. My Area 365 has gotten away from me as well. That, I just need to update.

A couple of days ago (Wednesday) I was going to blog about Oda Mae, so here it is. Take yourself back to Wednesday.........(I'll wait)..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Today, Oda Mae and went to the Little Gym and to storytime at the library. All day today she was very good. It was like, who is this child? I didn't have to fight her every two minutes about whatever. Now, don't get me wrong, there were still a couple of times during the day that I had to make her do/or stop doing something, but all-in-all she had a very good day today.

It sometimes seems that all I ever do is try and keep her out of stuff or make sure she isn't acting like a fool. Today gave me just a little glimmer of hope. Oda Mae is working on 2 yrs and 8 months right now. Is it possible that she is beginning to transition from the "terrible twos" to the "terrific threes"? Lord, I hope so!............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Are you back?

I'm in the middle of getting up all of the Christmas lights now. There's no turning back. The neighbors pretty much know what's going on now. I've seen a couple of them scramble into their garages and start looking for their boxes of lights. Then they pull them out all in a wad and look discouraged. Hee Hee!

Yesterday......Take yourself back again............Not so far!......
Yesterday was my Momma's birthday! I was going to put up a big ol' birthday post, but didn't get a chance...

Ain't she so cute? Happy (belated) Birthday, Mom! (Yes, I called her yesterday!) I'm glad you were born. So is Oda Mae!

I've got a busy weekend coming up. Many, many lights to put up along with three gigs between now and Monday evening. Wish me luck. Oh, btw....remember this post. Read the last paragraph. Yep, it's coming..........are you ready? I've said this before, sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is to decide to change your life for the better. We have to make changes in our behavior, our mannerisms, our daily schedule, etc. to make something happen in our lives. I have to admit, I'm pretty comfy with my life right now. I'm not sure I want anything to change, but I think I'll go for it. Life it too short to only do one thing for too long. What have you done to change your life lately?

Dominus vobiscum,



Anonymous said...

Thanks Jimmy,
Not that I am a hairstylist or anything like that---that hair is just great,I think I will start a new style and Oda Mae will just love it. Ha

Anonymous said...

OK, that is just mean leaving some of in suspense!

Anonymous said...

What have I done to change my life? I took a final exam for one class last night so now instead of one night a week off I have two (until next semester anyway). I just moved into a new house and I am looking for a new job. I might like a new hair style. I am open to suggestions about what else to change in my life BUT don't you think too many changes at one time is just tooo much.

Anonymous said...

I'm picking out a thermos for you.
Not an ordinary thermos for you.
But the extra best thermos that you can buy, With vinyl and stripes and a cup built right in! I'm picking out a thermos for you, And maybe a barometer too, And what else can I buy so on me you'll rely, A rear end thermometer too.

Oda Daddy said...

Oooooo....I love that movie!


Ken LeBleu Photography said...

good post dude..yes, it is bizarre reading your notes...its like deja vu.. haha

Jade and Oda seem to be doing the same things, just two years apart..haha.. So either we are both going to have wonderful offspring..

or they will be cellmates...

