Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sleeping Well

Yesterday, Oda Momma, Oda Mae and I set out to find Oda Mae the perfect bed. We opted for a toddler bed to transition cause they really aren't that expensive. She'll move to a twin as she gets a little older. We decided on the "Classic White" so we can use it for other possibly male babies too. Oda Mae picked out Dora sheets to go with it.

Here is Oda Mae helping me put it together...

Here she is checking out the underside...

Here she is making sure it works...

and making sure that everyone fits...

I'm proud to say that the bed didn't fall apart when she jumped on it for the first time.

This afternoon she took it out for a test spin. She had a good nap and didn't fall out. (At least not that we know of.)
Tonight, she went to sleep without any problems. Here's hoping that all goes well for the next 8-9 hours.

Dominus Vobiscum,


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